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Inner World:

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Unsubdued Emotions

Emotions can be like a foreign language, spoken within us but often beyond our understanding. They rise like waves, sometimes crashing, sometimes gentle, yet always leaving behind a quiet confusion. We feel their weight, their presence, but cannot quite grasp their meaning as if they are a melody we have never heard before —playing in the background of our minds.


There is a strange disconnect between heart and mind, where emotions swirl in chaotic patterns, elusive and unspoken. They are felt deeply, but resist being named or understood, usually leaving us adrift in our own inner world. It is like trying to capture mist in your hands—real, tangible, yet slipping away the moment you reach out.

This not understanding is not a lack of feeling, but rather an overwhelming sense of feeling too much, too deeply, without the clarity to decode it. The heart whispers its truths, but the mind struggles to translate, leaving us tangled in an internal silence where we know something profound is happening, but we cannot quite make sense of it.

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